Large Flower Bouquet


One large fresh flower bouquet prepared in a quart sized mason jar. Pick up in the Stanton Heights neighborhood of Pittsburgh. Flowers vary in color and size based on what’s currently available in the garden. Order lead time of two to three days is necessary. We will email or text you when your bouquet is ready. Most of the photos here are of our small or medium sized subscription bouquets.

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One large fresh flower bouquet prepared in a quart sized mason jar. Pick up in the Stanton Heights neighborhood of Pittsburgh. Flowers vary in color and size based on what’s currently available in the garden. Order lead time of two to three days is necessary. We will email or text you when your bouquet is ready. Most of the photos here are of our small or medium sized subscription bouquets.

One large fresh flower bouquet prepared in a quart sized mason jar. Pick up in the Stanton Heights neighborhood of Pittsburgh. Flowers vary in color and size based on what’s currently available in the garden. Order lead time of two to three days is necessary. We will email or text you when your bouquet is ready. Most of the photos here are of our small or medium sized subscription bouquets.

Medium Flower Bouquets
Deposit: Summer Flower Subscription (Wednesday pick up)
Deposit: Summer Flower Subscription (Monday Pickup)